Hooray! Another cookbook! I have to admit, I think that these are the best posts. Mostly because the recipes can be so very hilarious. This is from Allis Chalmers, a tractor manufacturer in Milwaukee. And it is all about meat. Mmmm...meat!
Let's just skip to the good stuff, shall we? "Variety Meats"; organ meats, sweetbreads, tongues and everything else that makes us go "Ew". Look carefully at the menu ideas. I don't know about you, but this makes me hungry for a big bowl of Brains A La King....

And then they managed to take regular meats and make you go "Ew", too. The Ham Mousse is pretty funny, but the Tropical Meat Salad is just sick. Hmmm...meat and bananas. Classic.

And just in case you have never cooked before, here is a fun guide on how to buy, cook and force your husband to serve meat. Enjoy!