Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Military Money

I keep finding cool things in these WWII letters from overseas! This is from one of my great-uncles, who was stationed in Seoul, Korea for a time. He is paying my grandpa back for a care package full of things that he requested be sent, but since he didn't have "real" money, he sent this....

I assume this was a joke between my grandfather and my great-uncle, judging by the amount of underlining and "ha-ha's" written in the margin. I wonder what was in the package that he sent? Hmmm...things like that drive me crazy!

Anyway, I thought this would be a good post, since Patrick was just talking about his military play-money pogs in a post for Off Somewhere. It looks like this isn't a new idea, although the pog aspect might be.

But how weird would it be to carry around a bill for 5 cents?


  1. maybe it was to pay him back for the genuine horse shit cigarettes

  2. In Qatar they don't even have change. A 1 reyal note is as low as it gets. I think in the old days they called the funny money "scrip".
