Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A Good Housewife

I got another great bit of vintage fun from Brian. (Hooray for loyal readers!) Sorry I haven't been posting original stuff lately, but I promise I will get on it this week.

Here is Brian's contribution, a 1955 article from Good Housekeeping magazine about how to be a mindless slave....I mean...a good wife. I keep thinking to myself, "Calm down. There is no possible way that this can be real." And then I think to myself, "There is no possible way that this could have been written by a woman!" Arrgh!! I mean, really. If they would have just left it at little suggestions for your husband's homecoming, that would have been ok in view of the time period it was written in. But to add those little things in, belittling your audience like that, come on!!!!! They could have at least had an article like, "What to do with your many hours of dead-time while your husband is gone and your kids are at school" or "Make your own cloth and save". God! "You have no right to question him" Oooo...it makes me so mad.....


Blogger Patrick & Lindsay said...

I'm speechless.

September 05, 2006 8:17 PM  
Blogger Snowman said...

Are you a faithful watcher of South Park. I'm thinking of a quote from an episode that would be so appropriate. It's from Elephant makes love to a pig It's from Cartman, of course. Here's the link, find the quote yourself. Then I can't get in trouble.


September 05, 2006 8:31 PM  
Blogger Pat and Peggy said...

I can't believe anyone took this seriously. It makes me angry reading it. Wait - some men probably took it seriously. After all it was probably written by a man since his wife was at home preparing for his arrival.

September 09, 2006 5:33 PM  

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