Thursday, August 24, 2006

Bakery of Horrors

Ahhh...coconut. It makes everything all pretty and delicious. Right? RIGHT!?!??

Well, maybe not these cakes. The "Cut-Up" cakes in this book aren't scary. They suffer from something worse than that. A total lack of imagination. They are the kind of cake that if you went to a birthday party and you were served this cake, you would feel really, really sorry for the birthday kid. There is a cake in this dumb book for every month, so I am going to hold some back to wait for their appropriate month. But since half the year is gone already (when did that happen, anyway?), I thought I could make up for the months I missed.

The cake from March is pathetic in every form.

Coco the Nutty Clown may not have a great name, or really resemble a clown, but damn it, he's got heart. Or, to be more specific, he has an apple nose. And not a regular apple either. That is a crab apple. Sick. What if Coco could talk? What would he say?

Happy Frickin birthday, kid. All you get this year is me. A crappy clown with a crab apple nose. And the worst part is, there is no cocoa in me at all. No, the Coco stands for coconut. Awesome.


Blogger Patrick & Lindsay said...

Well, at least instead of being creepy like normal (is there such a thing?) clowns, this Coco is just pathetic and sad, much like the birthday party for the child who receives this cake.

August 25, 2006 8:59 PM  
Blogger Andi said...

This is just sooooo wrong. The cake decorator in me is just dying right now.

August 26, 2006 7:25 AM  

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